  • 10 Feb 2025
  • 5 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark


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Article summary

As a company admin, you can view your workspace's usage, most popular queries, top unsuccessful queries, and more from the Analytics tab. You can also access detailed information on users and departments.

Note: Analytics are only available for viewing on the web app.

The default time frame is set to the last 12 months, but you can adjust it to reflect the period most appropriate for your needs. The right-hand side displays dynamic filters for the report. To refine the reports and display specific variables, select the appropriate filters for each report.


Breakdown by Interface

View the number and percentage of members in your workspace using the various Unleash interfaces daily. This breakdown helps you understand user engagement and interface preferences.

Breakdown by Department

View the number of users per department utilizing Unleash. This breakdown helps you understand departmental engagement and platform usage, allowing for better resource allocation and support.

Search Overview

Search Trend

Track the number of searches conducted each day. This metric provides insights into search activity trends, helping you understand user behavior and the overall demand for information.

Breakdown by Department

View a detailed breakdown of search activity by department, including the number of searches conducted and the number of users performing searches in each department. This data helps you understand departmental search behavior and identify which teams are most actively seeking information.

Breakdown by Role

View a detailed breakdown of search activity by role in Unleash. See the number of searches conducted by each role and the number of users performing searches in that role. This information helps you understand search behavior across different roles and identify which roles are most actively seeking information.

Search Breakdown

Keyword Search

Analyze the overall sentiment of feedback provided resources provided to keyword searches. This helps identify trends in helpfulness and areas for improvement in your knowledge base.

Resource Feedback Trend

Dive into detailed feedback on resource performance, including the query, source app, feedback type, and reasons for negative feedback. Use these insights to refine resource accuracy and relevance.

Resource Feeback Review

View a review of resource feedback highlighting the reasons for negative feedback when the answer was marked unhelpful.


Breakdown by Type/Share Level

Explore the types of collections created, distinguishing between shared and private collections. Understand how many collections exist for each type and their sharing status within your workspace.

Creation Trend

Track the creation trend for each type of collection over time.

Collections Review

Explore the titles, types, sharing settings, and tags associated with collections in your workspace. This report provides a comprehensive overview of each collection’s organization and access settings.


Card Creation Trend

Track the creation trend of cards over time.

Card Views Trend

Understand how many cards are viewed per day in your workspace.

Card Review

Explore the creation date, titles, views, viewers, Wiki title, creator name for cards in your workspace.

Go Links

Breakdown by Tag

Explore the various tags and see how many of each tag is assigned to the Go Links created in your workspace.

Breakdown by Type

View the number of Go Links marked as listed or unlisted.

Conversions Trend

Track the conversion trends for Go links, including:

  • Conversions: The number of times a Go link was clicked.

  • User Converting: The number of users who collectively clicked on a Go link from Unleash.


The analytics from this tab can help you identify where documentation is missing or incorrect by reviewing negative feedback and the reasons for it. By analyzing this feedback, you can pinpoint areas for improvement within your documentation. We recommend checking this tab weekly or monthly to identify gaps and enhance your documentation accordingly.

Daily Number of Questions & Feedback

Track the number of questions asked daily and analyze the correlation between the total questions and those marked with positive or negative feedback regarding answer quality. This report helps assess the effectiveness of responses and user satisfaction with the provided answers.

Q&A Metrics by Interface

This table provides insights into:

  • Interface Usage: The interface where most questions are asked.

  • Question and Answer Metrics: The total number of questions asked and answered.

  • Feedback: The number of positive and negative reactions to the answers.

  • Resource Clicks: How many times users clicked the resource from which the answer was sourced.

  • Answer Rate: The percentage of answers delivered relative to the number of questions asked.

These metrics help you understand user engagement and the effectiveness of your Q&A documentation.

Q&A Metrics by Channel

View the percentage of answers marked as positive or negative for the different Slack/Team channels you have invited the bot to. This metric helps you understand user satisfaction and the accuracy of responses provided.

Q&A Data Question Level

Access a comprehensive list of questions and answers asked in your interfaces. This includes:

  • Interface Information: The interface where the question was asked.

  • Channel Name: The specific channel name the question was asked.

  • User Name: Account name of user that asked the question.

  • Questions Asked: The actual question that was asked.

  • Answer: Answer provided to the question.

  • Answer Status: Which questions were answered.

  • Feedback: Whether the question received positive or negative feedback.

  • Reason: The reasons given for the feedback sentiment.

This detailed view allows you to improve documentation for unanswered questions and questions with negatively marked answers.


Question Trend

Track the trend of questions asked over time.

Chat Metrics per Assistant

View key metrics for each assistant within a session, including the total number of questions asked, the number of users who interacted with the assistant, the total answers generated in the chat, feedback insights such as positive and negative responses, and the overall answer-to-question ratio. By analyzing this data, you can optimize assistants, improve user satisfaction, and ensure resources are allocated to areas with the most impact.

Chat Breakdown

This graph allows you to view the chat name, session details, the user who asked the question and date alongside the questions asked; the answer provided, and feedback insights such as positive and negative responses and the negative feedback reason. It provides valuable context for understanding the types of questions being asked and the volume of questions within each session, helping you identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement.

External Chat

Question Trend

Track the trend of questions asked over time.

Chat Metrics per Assistant

View key metrics for each assistant within a session, including the total number of questions asked, the number of users who interacted with the assistant, the total answers generated in the chat, and the overall answer ratio. By analyzing this data, you can optimize assistants and improve user satisfaction.

Chat Breakdown

This graph allows you to view the chat name, session details, the user who asked the question and date alongside the questions asked; the answer provided, and feedback insights such as positive and negative responses. It provides valuable context for understanding the types of questions being asked and the volume of questions within each session, helping you identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement.


Breakdown by Sentiment

View answers provided to your Zendesk tickets and Salesforce cases with corresponding sentiment rating, indicating whether the bot’s suggestions were helpful. A blank sentiment status refers to suggestions that were not rated as either helpful or unhelpful.

Tickets Review

Review the ticket summary generated by the Zendesk and Salesforce bot, including sentiment, key ticket/case details, the user query, feedback type, and the reason for any negative feedback. This report helps you assess both the quality of the bot's responses and user satisfaction.

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