Ask Questions
  • 11 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Ask Questions

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Article summary

Ask Questions

After successfully connecting your apps, you can use Unleash AI to ask questions and search for resources!

Best Practices for Q&A

To obtain the most accurate responses from Unleash, it’s important to understand the types of questions to ask the search engine and the best ways to phrase them. Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Use natural language: Frame your questions as complete sentences rather than just keywords, similar to how you would ask a person. For instance, instead of typing "Acme features," ask, “What feature did Acme request?”

  • Be clear and specific: When asking questions, be specific and clear as if you are talking to a new company employee. For instance, instead of asking “Link to our calendar,” provide more details like “Give me the link to our 2024 marketing calendar” to ensure Unleash understands exactly what you're referring to.

  • Include relevant keywords: Unleash searches through your connected apps using keywords and phrases related to your query. For example, if you ask, “What are the company's holiday policies?” Unleash will look for terms like “holiday policies,” “vacation policies,” or “time-off policies.” Including pertinent keywords increases the likelihood of finding the correct information.

  • Specify the app to search: If you know where the information is located, use app filters from the search page before entering your query. This narrows the search scope and enhances accuracy. For instance, apply a Notion filter and ask, “What is our company travel policy for business class flights?”.


Note that there are specific types of questions for which Unleash is not best suited.

Aggregative / analysis questions

Unleash is unable to perform on-the-fly aggregation on content in your knowledge sources, so it is not suitable for questions like:

  • “How many deals in POC stage are valued at more than $500K?”

  • “What is our total pipeline $$ for Q2?”

  • “How many tasks are in the 'To Do' status in my backlog?”

Time-related Questions

Unleash may not accurately interpret temporal references so it’s unsuited for questions like:

  • “What is the last opportunity we closed?”

  • “What features are included in our latest release notes?”

  • “Give me the link to our latest sales deck.”

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