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Drafts in Unleash provide a secure way to create and edit cards without worrying about losing your work. All drafts you create are stored in the "My Drafts" folder within the Wikis section of Unleash, where you can easily access and continue working on them. In the Wikis section, you might also notice cards marked as drafts that you haven't personally edited. If you have editor permissions on a wiki, you will see all cards currently drafted by anyone with access to that wiki.
Creating a Draft from a New Card
When you create a new card and choose not to publish it, it is automatically saved as a draft in the My Drafts section. This draft will also appear in the specific wiki where editors can view and collaborate on it.
To create a draft:
Navigate to
Click + Create New.
Select New Card.
Choose the Wiki and folder where the card will be saved.
Add your details.
Click X or click outside the card to save it as a draft.
To publish the draft, simply click Publish.
Edit & View Mode
Users with edit permissions in the wiki can view and edit wiki cards. Two primary modes for interacting with cards are View Mode and Edit Mode.
View Mode: When you open a card without switching to edit mode, you are in View Mode. In this mode, all users—both editors and non-editors—can see the card as it is currently published, without any pending draft changes. In View Mode, you can perform limited actions such as adding tags, requesting verification or moving the card. Essentially, View Mode displays the published version of the card.
Edit Mode: When a user with edit permissions switches to Edit Mode on a published card, they access the draft version of the card. Edit Mode allows you to make changes to the content of the card. Only users with editor permissions for the specific wiki in which the card is located can access Edit Mode.
Card Verification
Verification details are not accessible in edit mode. Editors can only modify verification details after publishing the card. If a member who is also a verifier publishes the draft, they will be prompted to verify it. The draft will be published as unverified if the user is not a verifier but is only editing the card.
Editing a Published Card
If editors click "Edit" on a published card, they will see a draft with the changes made to the card if any, allowing them to collaborate on the updates before they are finalized. Editors can view and work on each other's drafts within this shared editing space. Once all edits are complete, you can publish the draft, and the draft content will replace the existing card.
To edit a published card:
Navigate to
Click on the Card you wish to edit.
Edit and start making changes.
If you see
Edit displayed with this draft page icon it means that there is already an existing draft for this card.
Click X or click outside the card to save it as a draft.
To publish the draft, click Publish.
Note: On the Cards page, there is a "Has Draft" filter that allows you to view all published cards that have draft versions.