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Step 1: Creating an App
Go to your Azue Portal.
Click Enterprise applications and then click +New application.
Step 2: General Settings
Click Create your own application.
Name your App Unleash.
Select the radio button: Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery).
Click Create.
Step 3: SAML Settings
On the left-side menu, click Single sign-on, then click SAML.
In the Basic SAML Configuration box, click Edit.
Under Identifier (Entity ID), enter, unleash-tech.
Under Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL), add the URL provided to you by your Unleash representative.
Click Save.
In the Attributes & Claims box, click Edit.
Click +Add new claim.
Fill in the following attribute mappings:
Click on the three-dot menu in the Required claim section.
Click on Choose name identifier format and change the inputs to match the screenshot below.
Copy the App federation metadata URL and share it with your Unleash representative.
Step 4: Finish
Your app should have been successfully created. All that’s left is assigning individual users or user groups access to the newly created SAML app.