Search Page
  • 25 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Search Page

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Article summary

The search page allows you to start your search, add filters, preview results, ask follow-up questions, sort results, drag and drop resources, share results, add to a collection, add to favorites, and more.

While this guide primarily focuses on keyword searches, it's important to note that the same filtering techniques and strategies can be equally applied to Q&A searches.


There are two ways to start filtering:

  • Before your search

  • After your search

To begin filtering before your search:

  • Click on the relevant filter below the search bar and check the options you want to add.

  • You can select multiple filters from any of the options.

    • The filters are dynamic, changing to display options based on your selected filters. Filters that do not relate to your chosen filters will not be displayed.

  • Click on Filters to access more advanced filters.

  • Enter your search query into the search bar

  • Hit Enter.

To begin filtering after your search:

  • On the search page, enter your search query into the search bar.

  • Hit Enter.

  • Click on the relevant filter below the search bar and check the options you want to add.

  • You can select multiple filters from any of the apps.

    • The filters are dynamic, changing to display options based on your selected filters. Filters that do not relate to your chosen filters will not be displayed.

  • Click on Filters to access more advanced filters.

Search Results

Sort results to view them in a way that suits you best.

To sort results:

  • Type your search query.

  • Hit Enter.

  • Below the search bar, on the right-hand side, click on Most Relevant.

  • Select from the following options:

    • Most relevant

    • Newest first

    • Oldest first

    • A to Z

    • Z to A

Search Page Side Preview

Preview items quickly to scan the content of files and share them without needing to open them.

To open the side preview:

  • Type your search query.

  • Hit Enter.

  • Below the search bar, on the right-hand side, click on theside preview icon.

  • As you scroll through the results, you can preview them.

To view the file of a preview without leaving Unleash:

  • Click on the three-dot menu of the side preview's resource.

  • Select Preview.

  • A preview will open.

  • To close it, click on the X.

Interacting with Results

As you scroll through results, different icons may appear on the right-hand side of each result. These icons allow you to take various actions depending on the resource type.

Taking Actions on Results

Actions from the results:

  • Opening results: Click on a result to open it.

  • Give feedback: Provide feedback to help us improve the relevance of our answers. Give a thumbs-up if the result was helpful or a thumbs-down if it was not.

  • Preview: Opens a popup of the resource so you can view and share files in Unleash without opening them. Click on the X to close it.

  • Summary: Uses advanced generative AI technology to automatically generate a summary of your resources in Unleash. This feature extracts the most important information and presents it clearly and concisely, saving you time and helping you quickly understand the main points of any document.

Actions from the three-dot menu of a result:

  • Copy URL: Copy the resource's URL and paste it wherever you need.

  • Add to Favorites: Add this resource to your favorites page for easy access whenever you need it.

  • Add to Collection: Add to a collection to keep relevant resources together.

  • Share: Share the resource with your colleagues via Gmail, Outlook, or Teams.

Downloading Resources

If a search result includes an attached resource, you can easily download it.

To download an attachment from a resources search result:

  • Click on the file in the resource.

  • The file will be downloaded automatically.

Tip: If you are looking for a file in your search results, click on the Has Attachment filter so your results will display only resources with attachments.

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