  • 11 Feb 2025
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Connecting apps allows Unleash to synchronize the knowledge and resources within your apps, enabling you to search for answers to your questions or locate specific documents or resources. You can connect apps when you first sign up for Unleash or at any time afterward. With over 70 apps, this feature ensures a comprehensive and integrated knowledge base.

Note: Admins may restrict the apps available for conenction for the workpsace which may cause you to not see the same apps from the list we provide in this guide.

Connecting New Links

To connect new apps:

  • Click the Connect Apps page located at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Select the app you want to connect to.

  • Click Connect.

  • You will be redirected to your browser to grant Unleash permission. Follow the steps provided. Once you see the message "Great! Connection succeeded," you can close the browser tab and return to Unleash.

  • Add a time filter or click Do it later.

Don’t see an app you’re looking for? No problem! Send a message to and let us know which app you would like to see.

Data Sync

For greater flexibility in managing shared link sync updates, workspace admins, owners, and link creators can enable or disable automatic sync for a link. Automatic sync is enabled by default and must be manually turned off if desired.

How to Enable/Disable Automatic Sync:

  • Click the Connect Apps page at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Select the link you want to manage.

  • Toggle Automatic Sync on or off.

Important Notes:

  • Sync Status Indication: When automatic sync is disabled, the last successful sync time will appear at the top of the link page, above the link name.

  • Manual Sync: Workspace admins, owners, and link creators can manually trigger a sync at any time, regardless of whether automatic sync is enabled or disabled, by clicking the sync icon at the top of the link page.

    • Note: Force sync is not available for outdated or failed shared links.

  • Mid-Sync Disabling: If automatic sync is disabled during an ongoing sync, the change will take effect after the current sync completes.

  • Outdated Links: While you can toggle automatic sync, no changes will take effect on outdated links. To resolve this, delete and reconnect the link.

Time Filters

To empower you with greater control over the scope of your search and reduce noise when receiving results, the Relative Time Filter enables you to limit the time ranges of the information you index when connecting links. This applies to both private and shared links.

The time filter can be configured at the final stage of the link connection process (optional) or at any time from the Apps page. Filters can be edited to reduce or increase the time frame, and the changes will take effect the next time the link data is synced.

Time filters are not supported by the following apps:

  • BambooHR

  • Azure Active Directory

  • Google People Directory

  • Hibob

  • Okta

Available Time Frames for the Time Filter

You can add a Last Updated filter, or you can search for a time frame or select it from within the following preset time frames:

  • Last 3 months

  • Last 12 months

  • Last 18 months

  • Last 24 months

  • Custom

    • Before a specific date

    • After a specific date

    • Between two specific dates

The last filters operate relatively:

This means that these filters are dynamic and depend on the current date. They don't filter data based on fixed periods but rather on periods relative to the present moment.

For instance, choosing "Last 3 months": This filter implies that it will select data from the past 3 months up to the current day. So, if today is March 28th, it will include data from January 28th to March 28th. As time progresses, the filter will update itself and it will delete the first month's data and move the time to the current past 3 months. For example, on April 28th, the filter will now include data from February 28th to April 28th, effectively shifting the window of the "last 3 months" forward by one month.

Connecting Additional Accounts

You can link multiple accounts from the same app, allowing you to seamlessly access and search resources across all your accounts.

To connect an additional account:

  • Click the Connect Apps page located at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Select the app you want to connect an additional account

  • Click +Add Account.

  • You will be redirected to your browser to grant Unleash permission. Follow the steps provided. Once you see the message "Great! Connection succeeded," you can close the browser tab and return to Unleash.

  • Add a time filter or click Do it later.

Personalizing Links

Enhance your account display with custom colors and names. When searching, you can hover over the left side of a resource to see the color and link name, indicating which account the resource belongs to.

To personalize link color and name:

  • Click the Connect Apps page located at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Select the app you want to personalize.

  • Click the link to personalize.

  • Select a preferred color from the options provided.

  • Click inside the link name box and apply changes.

If you have the native app for a resource installed on your desktop, you can select to open a resource either in your default browser or in the desktop app.

To select where a resource will be opened:

  • Click the Connect Apps page located at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Select the app you want to personalize.

  • Click the link to personalize.

  • Click open results using.

  • Select Default Browser or Desktop App.

Connection Type

The app page displays whether the link is Permission Based or Discovery, helping your team better understand the permissions granted to the links shared with them.

Link Visibility

When a workspace admin shares a link with you, you can toggle the option to show or hide resources from this link in your search results. This is useful if the link is irrelevant to you and you prefer not to see these resources in your search results.

To toggle off link visibility:

  • Click the Connect Apps page located at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Click on the relevant app.

  • Click on the shared link.

  • Under link visibility, toggle off show resources from this link.

By default the toggle is set to on. you can update the toggle to off/on at anytime.

Updating Links

App links can become stale and outdated. You will receive timely notifications for stale links in the FYI section or the apps page, allowing you to refresh them easily from the Connect Apps page.

To update a link:

  • Click on an app that displays Reconnect.

  • Click Reconnect.

  • You will be redirected to your browser. Follow the steps provided. Once you see the message "Great! Connection succeeded," you can close the browser tab and return to Unleash.

  • Add a time filter or click Do it later.

Disconnecting Links

To disconnect a link:

  • Click the Connect Apps page located at the bottom left corner of Unleash.

  • Select the app you want to disconnect.

  • Hover over the account to disconnect.

  • Click on the x  that appears in the top right-hand corner of the account.

  • Click Delete.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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