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Unleash's verification engine ensures the accuracy, currency, and approval status of information in Wikis and Cards, giving your team confidence in its reliability. By verifying cards, teammates can trust the information they access. Unleash streamlines content management with automation and notifies verifiers when a review is needed.
Key Terminology
- stamp of approval that the information on a card is accurate and up-to-date.
- card information is inaccurate and needs to be managed.
Verifier - group/s or member/s responsible for verifying the wiki/card.
Verification Interval - how often the wiki/card should be verified to maintain knowledge currency.
Who can be selected as a verifier?
Regardless of their permissions, anyone from the workspace can be set as a verifier.
If a new wiki verifier previously had no permissions for the wiki, appointing them as a verifier automatically grants them editor permissions for the wiki.
If a new card verifier previously had no permissions for the wiki/card, appointing them as a verifier automatically grants them editor permissions for the wiki.
Verification Interval
How does the verification interval work?
Verifiers will receive a notification at the end of the verification interval to remind them to re-verify the information.
The verification interval can be:
Every week
Every 2 weeks
Every month
Every 3 months
Every 6 months
Every year
Weekly on X-day
Monthly on X-day
Monthly on the second X-day
Annually on X
Custom recurrence